Sunday, November 26, 2006

Welcome to our page

Well, we decided to try out a blog page in order to share with everyone what is happening in our lives. As we are so far away, we do not always get to see all of our loved ones, so this will hopefully be a way that we can keep in touch.

Currently the weather here is cold however it could be much colder. Christmas is coming soon and we are starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Soon it will be time to decorate our Christmas tree and get our Christmas decorations up. I can't wait. This time of year is always exciting. The lights, sights, sounds and smells are always great.

We are looking forward to May when we get to go to Cancun for my brothers wedding. This will be fun as this will be a family vacation and wedding all in one. Plus, we get to leave Fort Smith and experience Mexico (at least I will if my passport ever shows up).

I will be going up to Yellowknife this week for Union Negotiations and hopefully that will not be as bad as I am anticipating. This will definately be a learning experience that I am sure I will never forget.


Carmen said...

Hey guys, welcome to the land of blogging. Cancun sounds fun, I'm jealous

Carmen said...

he he, I added you guys to our links section, all by myself. (aren't I smart)