Thursday, March 8, 2007


Well, I guess I should update everyone with what is happening with our world right now.

Kelly and I have decided not to get Gracie the surgery. It was a very hard decision but with the little one coming, it is the only decision that really makes sense. It would have cost us a lot of money, and quite frankly with me going on maternity leave in 5 months it wouldn't make a lot of sense to spend our money that way, when we should be saving and paying our debt down. Don't get me wrong, I love Gracie, but we need to think of the whole picture which didn't include very good odds of working out the way we want it to. So the plan now is to keep her quiet for the next 6 weeks, and hopefully this will help heal it better. We have her on a new form of Glucosamine so this may help her as well.

Other than that, nothing much is happening right now. I was going to go to Calgary (for Gracie's surgery), but with that cancelled now, I am going to go to work instead. I am hoping that we will get to go down south at some point before May. It would be nice to see everyone.

Right now I am sitting on the couch with Gracie and we are watching American Idol. I went home from work early today because I wasn't feeling well. I am hoping that this is just a 24 hour bug, I really do not want to be sick again. I finally got out of the 1st trimester and I was thinking I was done with all of that. Anyways, enough complaining. That's all that is new right now. Catch you all later.

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